IT language tasks  
done live as
you view

Little is a group-chat style phone, tablet and web app designed for language tasks you need done now: a single paragraph you need translated to Japanese, an manga graphic you need touched up... In short, something you don't want to go through a standard quote and order process for. All teams showing online can start right away, will work as you watch, and charge in six minute blocks.

Download for iPad

Be an early tester

A warm hello to any translators dropping by

Has someone introduced you to us? If you are a translator or multi-lingual word-graphics designer  we'd love you to give Little a try and help us refine the platform! Just send us a link to your profile and we'll grant you access to an early version (iPad only) as well as reimburse you for your time if you are approved to join the test team.

  • Touch up design Fixing works in a foreign-language logos, changing colours, removing backgrounds, and other graphic design tasks where you need to understand the characters to do the job right.
  • Translation Quick pages, paragraphs, sentences even. When Google Translate is not enough, but at the same time the work doesn't warrant a quote and order process.
  • Bug testing: Have an expert fluent in your target language run through your app to see if the introduction of the new language has broken anything.
  • Anything else where the key asks are good quality and fast. In other words it's not critical that the work be done in the personal style of any particular individual.

Example jobs that make sense with Little

Private chat

Members only

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Public chat

Open to all

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General questions
Non-sensitive quotes


Members only

Watch the freelancer work
Drag and drop share files
Live Little support

No membership required to discuss, create one to take it further

Point out where to ad text in real time

For jobs that only take a few minutes and may never lead to follow up work, it's not worth it for either the client or the helper to go through a standard quote and order process. Such jobs are best served by a group-chat interface.

Scratching an itch in the language outsource market


 Done as you watch or record

Easy jump out

Public chats are free, if not going well then jump out

Frictionless payment

No approving each and every time.

Saved history

No need to explain yourself again 
I agree that sometimes clients just need code cleaned up, Little has been useful to me during testing.
Karn, Thailand Coder
The group chat interface saves a lot of back and forth for small jobs that I can help developers with
Jez, Taiwan Mandarin word art
I like that the client is live with me through the order, anything that needs tweaking we just do it then and there, no waiting. 
Thu, Vietnam, Translator
Hey EU devs! English works in much of Europe, we know...but not everywhere!

Let our team help you to bring your app international!

Average number of actions to translate a single paragraph from scratch


Online searches


Order emails 


Follow up emails


Hours to deliver

Lessons from live ops


Webinar testers, enter details and we'll send instructions

You'll need an iPad to run the early access version, and you need to have taken part in the webinar and have a code.

  • Chat interface A group-chat interface to quickly buy, sell and trade items, and the norms are well established.
  • Live multiplayer Work together to solve a problem in the virtual world. 
  • Team based Focus on teams instead of individuals.






Full launh

The Little design team has a history in live operations and brings some of that to you.

LITTLE - Made with pride in Tallinn



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http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVG SizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG
